Freudian Concepts as seen throughout Inception

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The unconscious has a huge part in shaping human behavior, yet many overlook the idea behind it. This is an idea that maybe these unconscious behaviors can be used to alter the future or the past mistakes or anything in between for that matter. Everyone dreams at some point in their life and what many people don’t realize is that dreams usually develop from past experiences or from actual occurrences and thoughts. This means that if someone happened to see a guy wearing a cowboy hat with a feather in it, in one of their dreams, they most likely saw this person at some point in their life and may not have even realized it. It is impossible to create a new face in a dream. In Inception (2009), Christopher Nolan portrays Dom Cobb as a special operative whose life mirrors a Freudian psychological reality in which his repressed guilt leads to self-destructive behavior.
Dom Cobb puts a team together of various skilled operatives and they work together to go deeper into Cobb’s unconscious mind. They are found through friends of Cobb’s and put through semi trial runs before officially joining the team. This team is composed of Cobb, Arthur, Ariadne, Saito, Eames, Yusuf, and Mal. Arthur is Cobb’s right hand man. Ariadne is the architect of the whole operation. Saito is a respectable Japanese man who hired the team. Eames is the dream-world impersonator as described by Amy Biancolli. Yusuf is the chemist that creates the sedative, which allows the team to be unconscious for a large amount of time and is also the one driving the van. Lastly, the biggest influence of all the characters is Mal. Mal is not an actual living being, but she is merely a memory in Cobb’s mind that he cannot get rid of. They lived life together, constantly dreaming ...

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Works Cited
Biancolli, Amy . "Inception." Houston Chronicle. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013. .
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