French Empire And World War 1 Essay

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“French Empire and World War I”

During World War I, France was a member of the “allies” side along with Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, Russia, America, and China. They fought against the “axis” powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The axis powers were also known as the “Triple Alliance.”
World War I had a multitude of causes including imperialism, nationalism, and alliances. A good example of an alliance would be the dual alliance between Russia and France, otherwise known as the Franco-Russian Alliance. Russia wanted protection against Austria-Hungary, while France needed protection from Germany. Germany assumed that these two nations would never unite, which caused them to overlook the Reinsurance Treaty of 1880 with Russia. In August of 1891, Russia and France made an official alliance. It was agreed that were Russia to ever be attacked by Austria-Hungary, France would rush to their defense and vice versa. The “Triple Entente” was fully formed when Britain became an ally of Russia during the Anglo-Russian Agreement in 1907.
Before World War I, Serbia had never been a great European nation. However, it quickly became the center of politics around the world. The Ottoman Empire ruled Serbia until the Serbian Revolution in the 1800s. Serbia had a lot of tension building up from other nations, particularly Austria-Hungary. The …show more content…

Ferdinand had come to Sarajevo, Bosnia to inspect armed forces. On June 28, 1914 he was shot by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist. He, like many Serbians, was angered by Austria-Hungary’s destruction of former Ottoman territories. Ferdinand’s assassination would lead to a domino effect of events. Austria-Hungary used this as an excuse to attack Serbia, which would lead to war with Russia. Shortly after this happened, many other nations such as Great Britain and France declared war against Austria-Hungary and

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