Freewill In The Bible

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For, if God did not want worship from beings that could not exercise freewill, 8 then He could only get this worship from men outside of heaven. Heaven is a place without sin and only the righteous will exist in heaven. 9 so, logically, to transport a saint to heaven would be against the will of God, thus making God a sinner Himself! The Bible speaks of a final judgment. A time when all the people who have not been saved will be cast into the Lake of Fire along with the fallen angels and the believers taken into heaven. Now, if freewill, of the type spoken of by Towns, is allowed in heaven, then one must conclude that the saints would have the capacity to fall from grace as Lucifer and the angels of old, if they are not frozen into righteousness. …show more content…

Towns focused on the Edenic Covenant, before the fall, Adamic Covenant, after the fall, Noahic Covenant, after the flood and the Abramic Covenant, the Eternal covenant. Throughout these covenants one thing seemed to be similar, man failing to do their part on the covenant agreement. Accordingly the entire covenant shows the inability of man to uphold a covenant with God. The final covenant of Abram it is not man who will uphold it, but God. The Abrahamic covenant was sort of a prophecy and it begins in (Genesis 12) up to (Genesis 22). All the redemptive work of Christ at the cross of Calvary was based on this covenant. This covenant is the spring board of all God's blessings, springing forth from it extend to all mankind throughout the ages. Consequently this agreement was an unconditional covenant. This was an agreement where God unconditionally necessitates himself to bring to pass promises, blessings and conditions for his people Towns should have also included the Davidic covenant which is similar to Abrahamic covenant because it is also unconditional, it would have gave his whole argument a full circle. The covenant was between God and Israel, but was made more specifically with David. This covenant expands upon the seeds provisions of the Abrahamic covenant. The Lord promises to establish David's a Kingdom, house and throne forever (2 Samuel

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