Freedom Writers Film Techniques

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In the film “Freedom Writers” directed by Richard LaGravenese, There are many good film techniques that work together very well and teach us 2 very important ideas of how some of Erin’s students really live and how prejudice we really are as well as how lucky we are to be living like we are right now, because not everybody gets away with it this easy. These techniques also structure the film well too keep the audience entertained and teach us valuable life lessons such as racism and prejudice, some of these film techniques are: Diegetic sound, narration, lighting, and montage. The first two film techniques that I will comment on are lighting and mid-shot. The lighting technique is spotlighting on Eva, while she is telling her life story. By using spotlighting this helps the viewer to concentrate on where the spotlight is shining (in this case on Eva) by drawing the viewer's attention the Eva because everything else is dark and you can’t see anything except for where the spotlight is shining which is on Eva. The mid shot of Eva allows us as the viewers to see Eva’s body language as well as her facial expression, in this case we can see that Eva is sitting down at a stool with her arms by her side and a frown on her face, this shows us that she is upset and doesn't like talking about the topic of her father being sent to prison. These two techniques combine together and work extremely well together by drawing the viewer’s attention to Eva and making us concentrate on Eva’s story. By making us concentrate we can

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