Free Will In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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“Where we are, there’s daggers in men’s smiles; The near in blood. The nearer bloody,” Donalbain declares in Act 2, Scene 3 of the famous play, Macbeth. William Shakespeare, the author of Macbeth and many other famous writings, wrote the play Macbeth around the year 1606, and since then it has been a story acted out and told to many generations. This piece of literature is still relevant to this day, even though the main character, Macbeth, is in a different situation dealing with death, blood, and witches. Macbeth cheats fate and does many wrongdoings, which gets him killed in the end. The play, Macbeth, can teach generation to generation to do the right thing, be honest, and have ambition like Macbeth did to become king, but not involving

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