Free Essays - Morals and Ethics in Hamlet Hamlet essays

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Free Essays - Morals and Ethics in Hamlet According to the philosophy of the Elizabethan Period in English literature, the ability to think and reason separates man from animal. It is with this very important fact in mind that one can first begin to interpret the question, "What should fellows such as I do crawling between Earth and Heaven?" William Shakespeare's Hamlet is a troubled individual who, after the murder of his father, is on the brink of insanity. He is having an ethical dilemma over how he should have his revenge on his uncle, Claudius, who killed his father to take the thrown. Hamlet's problem is that he is experiencing human urges of being "proud, revengeful, (and) ambitious (3.1.124)," but Hamlet is of noble birth so he feels that he should not act in this way. When Hamlet says that he is between Earth and Heaven, he is relating Earth to humanity and man's natural urges, and he is relating Heaven to divinity and the way in which nobility should act. By saying that he is crawling, he is referring to an animal-like behavior and it's struggle to survive. Hamlet is now looking for options. He is driving himself crazy over his moral dilemma, and in the process he is losing his ability to think clearly. Therefore, he is turning himself into an animal. There is no simple answer to Hamlet's question. It is a question of morals and ethics, both of which can pose many of life's greatest challenges. If Hamlet knew what to do without having any struggle in his mind, then he wouldn't be human, because it is nearly impossible for man to make completely unbiased decisions. Naturally, he needs to expose Claudius as being a murderer, and he should do this without substituting his own good name and judgement. This is the only real way that he could stand up and rightfully take his place as nobility. However, saying what one should do is much easier than actually following through with it.

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