Free College Admissions Essays: Three Important Things To Me

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Three Important Things To Me My credits, family, and money are important. These are three things that will help me move forward in life. I plan to achieve my goals and be successful. This being so, I need to acquire tunnel vision. Focusing on what will help me attain my idea of an American dream. It isn’t always easy and that’s important to remember. Keep in mind you can come from nothing and become something. In order to get the degree and education i’d like, i need to get all my credits required so I can graduate high school. My family has always been important to me, whether it’s blood or people who have become a part of my life and that I have come to consider family. Family is like home, there’s always a sense of security and stability. In this life, money is practically everything, without it where are you going to end up? Where are you going to be in the future? Society has evolved off of money. …show more content…

It’s easy to get distracted from what really matters. There were a lot of distractions for me and i’m the one to blame. My credits are very important to me right now because these are basically the key to my future. How will I get into the college or get the job I desire without them? Regardless of my past choices I am now getting the chance to get the credits I need. I plan to graduate and walk with my class. My family has encouraged me to be more in life, to become something they couldn’t. They have always been there, but mostly they’ve taught me many lessons. I can’t express enough how grateful I am that i’ve learned from their mistakes and that they’ve helped me learn from my own. To me family is home, where I can always be myself without a worry of judgement. There’s always someone to talk to, discussions you only feel comfortable discussing with them. They will be there when no one else will. Family is

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