Free College Admissions Essays: My Passion For Film

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Film is the quintessential art form of the last century. It is an insight into the human consciousness, offering us the chance to inhabit realities that would otherwise never exist, and assess ourselves in ways we could never consider. No other art form lets me explore my interests in literature, art history, philosophy, architecture, music and politics. Although much the same is true of literature, the interpellative nature of film as a visual medium makes it uniquely immersive. I believe Stanley Kubrick and Wes Anderson's mastery of cinematography and miss-en-scene exemplifies why my passion can only be for Film, above any other medium. I feel Film is the most impressive and unique way of exploring the cultures from which they are made and represent. Film and literature seek most nobly to heighten our scope for empathy regarding others. It is a lens through which we can see the lives and thoughts of others, and further understand our own lives and emotions. Studying the juxtaposition of Pedro Almodovar and Alfred Hitchcock films has exemplified the representation of women in my own culture and encouraged my interest in feminist representation that …show more content…

He is the catalyst for my love of cinema and has had a profound impact on my appreciation for film. The Pervert's Guide to Cinema encouraged me to broaden my enjoyment of film through a psychoanalytical approach; his zany philosophy offered me a way to explore philosophy in a contemporary medium that holds my attention utterly. This spawned my interest in David Lynch's surrealist visions, leading to my development of a deep interest in wider surrealist arts, particularly the impact of surrealism on comedy. Pioneering artists such as Lynch and Hitchcock give the art for us to expand our imagination to encompass impossible and challenging realities that, I believe, are a vital aspect of contemporary

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