Free Catcher In The Rye Essays: Traumatizing Events

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Traumatizing- events have effects on the behavioral outcome of a character. Catcher in the Rye is based on the 1950’s, where Holden; a student at Pencey Prep face difficulties in academics, because of prior situations with his brother's death. Holden is expelled from school and chooses to live the life of an adult for two days in New York City before his parents are notified about his actions. In 1985, Rolf Carle documents the aftermath of a volcano eruption , where a girl age of thirteen is trapped in a mudslide.Rolf experiences frustration from the fact that saving Azucena would be impossible without causing physical pain.Azucena brings back memories of his sister's death were he blames himself; which brings him a mental breakdown. Salinger …show more content…

I’d say to him ,don’t disappear please Allie,”(25) Holden experiences emotional issues and not fully understanding how to deal the with it.From the issue of his school friend suicide and brothers death “dirty bastard tried to make him take back what he said,but instead, he jumps out the window,”(22) this results in Holden’s constant feelings of isolation.Holden eventually rejects his feelings of loneliness towards the outer world. Which relates of Rolf in Clay are we Created , because he does not want to realize his faults in his past and how sister’s death had a tragic effect on his life “that life the unyielding floodgates had contained began to open , and all that had lain hidden memory poured out. Leveling before the obstacles the blocked his consciousness for so long. He could not tell it all to Azucena,”(536) with being uncomfortable to think nor talk about it. Rolf and Holden demonstrate different coping mechanisms , such as Rolf forgetting his past and not dealing with it. Holden portrays others as phones, yet they both experience tragic losses and seek others attention to help cope and express their …show more content…

His father's actions caused him to build a mental barrier between his past for protection from reality and the present. Rolf “defenses had crumbled and he had given in to grief; finally, he was vulnerable. The girl had touched a part of him that he himself had no access ,”(539) his walls are slowly dropping. Azucena breaks down the barrier from her physical setting and communicating about her own past. Azucena gets Rolf to slowly realize his faults through her memories, because the moment he vents to her the more his wall tears

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