Frederick Jackson Turner Frontier Thesis

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An Emerging Empire Frederick Jackson Turner ideologies was that America has created distinctive politics, governments, industrial society, civilization, and division of labor. Not only this, the frontier line is always expanding, building and creating American society over and over again along the line. This expansion and resources in the west help supply the forces dominating America’s distinctive character. He argues that the Great West shaped the history of the American nation, not the Atlantic Coast. The reason for this is because, when man came to this new land, the wilderness powers over the colonist. The land have new resources never to be seen in his home country. He has to find food, shelter, and clothing. His needs puts him in a situation where he is wearing a hunting shirt and moccasins, not a suit that he used to wear in his home country. He is eating corn, but not eating bread. He is living in a log cabin, rather than a nice boarded house. The colonist has to grow accustomed to the environment and build with the resources he has on the American land to make up a new civilization that will have distinctive American characteristics. Turner’s argument is his frontier thesis, which argues that the geographical frontier in …show more content…

A theory which applied natural selection from Charles Darwin and Spencer’s sociological theories together. Herbert Spencer argued that certain individuals or social groups achieve advantages over others because of genetic superiority. This theory helped justify imperialism, racism, and laissez faire policies. This theory claimed that groups or individuals at the top of the social system belonged there because of their genetic superiority. It is because they have competed with other groups and have adapted well, is the sole reason why they belong in the top of the system. If something were to intervene, such as social and political factors, it would erode the foundation of the natural

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