Fraud In Health Care Fraud

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Healthcare fraud is a crime that happens when an individual is filling out healthcare claims with the intention to earn a false profit. Health care fraud is mainly committed when a dishonest provider or consumer submits false information to obtain more profit than submitting a claim with right information and obtain the right amount of profit. For example, if an individual alters dates or alter the description of a service that would be considered fraud. Selling prescriptions is also considered fraud. If a healthcare provider or consumer is discovered with connections of healthcare fraud they will either be jailed and fined or brought to court to obtain further punishment. When a health care fraud is perpetrated, it will pass to the health …show more content…

Health care facilities and customers suffer finical losses caused by health care fraud. Healthcare abuse is characterized as terms of acts that are inconsistent with medical practice. Abuse is an unintentional practice that either directly results in an over payment of a claim issued to a health care provider or it can happen indirectly. For many years our nation has been attempting to prevent fraud before it all happens. One way to prevent fraud is when a claim is submitted and is reviewed, if it the claim sounds too good to be true, the claim will end up being routinely checked and flagged for a further review. In order to prove that a claim is considered fraud, it will have to be evaluated again to prove that the acts were performed knowingly, willfully and intentionally. It is near to impossible to stop an individual who is willingly and intentionally committing a health care fraud on a claim. There are external and internal systems along with processes that are …show more content…

The computer-assisted coding provides a clinic or any establishment that offers healthcare with an instrument to improve the potential matters of fraud and abuse during the medical coding stage. The computer software provides aids and tools to support decision making to assist healthcare individuals in completing documentation with accurate results and concluding the documentation at a sensible time. Using a computer-assisted coding software give a healthcare establishment advantages in improvement in coding productivity, identify documentation deficiencies and improve code selection accuracy. The software eliminates the use and need of multiple systems to using one software. Since the elimination of multiple software’s, billing and coding becomes simpler with codes being easier to locate for a documentation. With codes becoming easier to access and locate, it eliminates missing codes for services provided and reduces the chance of using incorrect codes. If a healthcare establishment obtains the use of the computer-assisted coding system it will reduce the need of the clinic having to hire more personnel to accomplish the workloads a clinic has. Some claim that establishing

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