Frankenstein Selfish Essay

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Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, is about a man who is eager to do something memorable and never before done in the world. After two long years of experimenting and research, Victor Frankenstein creates a monster that will bring him misery from then on. In the novel Frankenstein, Shelley portrays Victor Frankenstein as selfish, weak, and ashamed when compared to the book of Genesis. To begin, Shelley conveys Frankenstein as selfish throughout the text when contrasted to the book of Genesis. Selfishness is highlighted in the text as Frankenstein sat silently when he knew his monster was a murderer but did not want his confession to be viewed by his peers as “madness by the vulgar” (Shelley 53). Justine Moritz took the blame for the murder, while Victor sat …show more content…

As God acts selfless towards his creations, it reveals that Frankenstein’s actions were indeed selfish. Furthermore, Shelley presents Frankenstein as weak when he is battling internal conflicts throughout the novel, which is apparent when compared to God in the book of Genesis. As Victor’s family and friends die one by one, his weakness prevails as he admits that “I am the cause of this- I murdered her” (Shelley 136). Instead of addressing the issue of his monster murdering numerous people, he bathes himself in self-pity. This weakness prevails as Frankenstein battles internal conflicts relating to the deaths caused by Frankenstein's monster. In the book of Genesis, God commanded “let there be light: and there was light” (Genesis 1:3). God shows that he is strong by simply speaking the universe into existence. Frankenstein wishes to have inhumane authority as he creates a monster, but his weakness shows the limitations of the human mind as Frankenstein cannot handle the repercussions of acting as a God. The contradiction made between the two texts exemplifies that Frankenstein is weak as a creator while God is

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