Frank In The Movie Generativity V Stagnation

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Frank resolves his current crisis at hand and sets out for a more positive outcome in his next stage. In the movie,he begins to cross over into the next stage of his life and is already beginning to show positive signs of generativity. During the movie, Frank has a meltdown and tried to kill himself however, afterwards,he gets to know Dwayne, he begins to come out of his depression and develops an intimate friendship with him and his outlook on life becomes much brighter. In his future, Frank becomes part of the main family and he moves into grandrandpa’s old room. He enjoys the company of his family and mentors olive and Dwane thought their problems. In generativity v.s stagnation, He becomes a much more psychologically healthy person. …show more content…

The two spend hours on end discussing their theories on humankind and probst and they begin to enjoy each others company more and more. Frank later learns that his friend has recently been separated from their partner and shares his story about his suicide attempt and his previous relationship. Both Frank and his friend, feel that the relationship had crossed from being purely academic to a deep emotional connection between the themselves. Frank discusses his feelings for his new friend with his family. It had been 5 years since his previous relationship and Sheryl and the others thought it would be in Frank’s best interest to pursue this relationship. The following therapy session, Frank brings up his crush on his friend his therapist ask him questions to determine whether or not Frank is ready to commit to another person. At the end of the session, Frank’s therapist decided that Frank is ready to develop a new romantic relationship with this new guy. The following day, Frank gets the courage to ask his crush out to a date at a museum.Victor (his friend) is thrilled by the idea, and the two spend the next few hours discussing how they would like their blossoming relationship to work. They decided to go on a date bi-weekly to various events and …show more content…

Even though Frank and Dwayne develop a relationship in intimacy vs. isolation, he continues it and becomes his nephew’s mentor as well as friend. As for Olive, Frank always supports her ideas and encourages her to peruse her dreams no matter how farfetched they are. In continuation, Frank also shows his generativity by helping his brother-in-law achieve his goal. He had seen all that Richard had been through in order to make himself a better person and felt a strong need to help. At that point in his life, Frank felt accomplished and he realized that the only thing that would make him feel even more accomplished is by helping others reach their goals. All in all, his successful journey in both intimacy vs. isolation as well as Generativity vs. stagnation, suggest that Frank will continue on to integrality vs. despair in a positive mood. He will look back on the things he accomplished and feel proud of what he did with his life and how he helped others improve theirs. Frank is a character that hit a rough spot and learned from it, only to grow and become an even better

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