Fox Hunting Persuasive Speech

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Despite the fact that you even think killing an animal a sport. I find it completely ridiculous how you have the audacity and the courage to stick up in front of all these people trying to prove that fox hunting is a ‘’perfect family’’ sport. You might indicate that foxes are an annoyance and a threat, therefore, killing them is a good way to control their number, but you have to keep in mind that just in Britain there is around 250000 foxes, 15000 to 20000 are killed by hunting, 50000 to 100000 are killed on the roads, the rural fox population remains fairly stable. I’m absolutely against how you think it’s acceptable for a child to be exposed to such a gruesome act. Instead of teaching a child how to be compassionate towards animals, you’re merely making it seem like killing it is okay, children are immature and will not be capable of handling seeing an animal brutally get hunted, and parents will face a lot of consequences. A child’s mindset will absorb anything, it may be or may not be taken in …show more content…

I agree hunting could have been necessary for human survival in prehistoric times, but today most hunters will stalk and kill animals simply for the thrill of it and not out of necessity, and you have proved my point as you think of hunting as a sport. Many ignorant and uneducated people think that when a child can hunt and chase animals this would mean that his or her personality is substantial and enduring and will encourage teamwork. But it will actually make the child aggressive, violent and hostile. Apparently a lot of children who have been hunting since a young age are the ones who turn out to become criminals and gangsters. If foxes are really causing problems for farmers then they can be humanely shot by experts, rather than getting

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