Fox And Coyote: Beneficent Cultural Hero

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The Coyote in the story “Fox and Coyote and Whale” is shaped as the beneficent culture hero. Coyote does not appear much during the story, but he is very helpful to Fox, especially when he tells him “I think your wife is in love with somebody else” (Mourning Dove, 1). Coyote did not have to tell Fox these words. He was just being a loyal friend. Based on Coyote’s actions, he identifies how his culture has taught him to be straight forward no matter the situation. Additionally, “One day Fox and Coyote came home from hunting, she was gone” (Mourning Dove, 1), therefore Coyote travels with Fox to get his wife back. Coyote goes out of his own way to help Fox. Doing this indicates how he has been taught that no man is not to be left behind. Furthermore,

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