Four Focus Group Reflection Paper

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Four focus group discussions (FGDs) with students from both Universities were carried out. In each University two focus group discussions comprising of 10 students grouped by gender were conducted. The number of FGD was guided by data saturation. By the time we conducted the third and fourth FGD we noticed that issues already identified earlier were being repeated and there was no need for further discussions. The FGDs were used to understand the magnitude of substance use and risky sexual behaviour as well as the commonly abused substance so as to guide in the designing of the intervention and also supplement the data from the survey.

Participants willing to take part in the FGDs were recruited through method of snowballing—an acceptable method in the qualitative paradigm. Dean of students and departmental secretaries were used as gatekeepers for creating initial contacts with students. The two class representatives were introduced, and after explaining the nature of my study they were willing to help. They were able to refer students to the research team who in turn came with other volunteers. Since the students were informed that all the team required was their views and opinions on the magnitude of substance abuse and risky sexual …show more content…

I used dean of students and departmental secretaries as gatekeepers for creating initial contacts with students. I was introduced to two class representatives whom after introducing myself and explaining the nature of my study they were willing to help. They were able to refer students to me who in turn came with other volunteers. Since the students were informed that I only needed their views and opinions on the magnitude of substance abuse and risky sexual behaviour in the University and not necessarily their personal behaviour, finding students willing to participate was not

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