Found Dead: Marilyn Monroe

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In 1953, Marilyn Monroe starred in the film “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”, which was one of her most memorable roles. Later that following year, she also acted in “How to Marry a Millionaire” (“Marilyn Monroe Is Found Dead” 2). In 1955, Marilyn appeared in the two films “The Asphalt Jungle” and “All About Eve”. Marilyn Monroe, only twenty-three at the time, landed another contract with Fox studios (Monroe 6; “Marilyn Monroe” 2). However, most of her roles were particularly sexual in context (Monroe 11). 1955 was also the year Marilyn starred in “The Seven Year Itch”. This was the film in which Marilyn Monroe performed her legendary scene in the white dress over the subway vent. Billy Wilder, a producer, described Marilyn as “absolutely perfect”. (Conolly 180-183). Although most of her co-workers and directors claimed she was quite a pain to work with. Marilyn would spend hours going over simple lines or just not show up to work at all. She was known to work …show more content…

Despite the glamour surrounding Marilyn Monroe, she was very insecure. Marilyn admitted that she felt most of her life had been a rejection, but she was not a victim of emotional conflicts, rather just a human being (Banner 26, 124). One of her greatest fears was to develop a mental disease like her mother suffered from (Banner 261). Marilyn did, however, admit to hearing voices and imagining sinister figures outside of her house (Connolly 178). To calm such anxieties, she started taking barbiturates (Banner 179). Yet, these exact pills are what Marilyn used as a part of a suicide attempt when her husband, Johnny Hyde, passed away in 1950. Several years later, Marilyn's co-worker, John Huston, claimed she was taking 20 Nembutal a day (Banner 353). Marilyn spiraled into severe depressive episodes and upped her pill intake. As her success increased, her menti became more and more

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