Forrest Gump Symbolism

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“Forrest Gump” movie was made in 1994 and the director was Robert Zemeckis. This movie is about a boy/man named Forrest Gump going through his life, from when he was young to when he was a grown adult . Forrest has many conflicts maneuvering around the world for example when he was in the war at Vietnam and he needed to help Bubba his friend. The theme in the movie would be “life's a journey with ups and downs, you don’t know what's going to happen”. All the symbolic references and scenes help people decipher the theme. In addition, the characterization of Forrest Gump helps people realize what type of person he is. All the symbolic things in this movie helps people show that the theme is: life's a journey with ups and downs, you don’t know what's going to happen. One symbol is the feather, it shows up at the start of the film floating in the air and land near Forrest Gump when he starts talking about his childhood and at the end when Forrest Gump’s child starts his childhood. I chose this because the feather is flying all over the place going “up and down, not knowing what is going to happen” (they make the camera tilt and move around showing us the feather moving up and down). Also Forrest Gump’s running symbolizes your life keeps on happening until the end, when you stop running. Life can be a mess sometimes and those symbols encourages that it …show more content…

Life's a journey, you don’t really what is going to happen next, you just have to learn how to embrace it and move one. From the symbols to the scenes to the characters it shows brightly themes about life, you could have done many themes, but I chose this one because it mostly fits.” Life's a journey(the scenes and Gump’s life). When you stop(Gump’s running), things don’t go right(scenes) -Pope Francis. Go and live your life to the fullest because it's a journey that gets better and

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