Forrest Gump Historical Events

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In the movie Forrest Gump, Gump had been in several historical events. One event Gump was in was the event when they were letting colored people into the school. Gump didn’t know what was going on. This event was the segregation of blacks and whites. With Gump not knowing what was going on, he was able to help a lady. She dropped her book and Gump ran in and picked it up. Gump handed the book to the lady. This is an event that most people back in that time didn’t want to happen, but Gump didn’t mind it. Another historical event was the Vietnam war. Gump went to boot camp then was shipped over to Vietnam. The Vietnam war started in 1955. Gump was sent to fight the viet cong. Thats where he meet Lt. Dane. Gumps platoon was ambushed and everyone

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