Formative Assignment On Anticoagulant Therapy

2857 Words6 Pages

Certificate in Minor Oral Surgery
Cohort 3

Formative Assignment 1

Anticoagulant therapy is a relatively common long term treatment in UK medicine.
Outline what medical conditions might indicate its use. Outline the different types of agents which have and are used and how they affect the physiology of the blood clotting mechanism.
Using an evidence base how should patients in this category be managed in primary and secondary care when undergoing different oral surgical procedures.

Candidate Number……………MOS 08-03……………
GDC Number…………193196……………

Word Count……………2737…………………………………
Date submitted…11/09/14………..

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The aim of anticoagulant therapy is to reduce blood coagulability to an optimal therapeutic range within which the patient is provided some degree of protection from thromboembolic events. It is estimated that in the UK, there are approximately 1.25 million people currently prescribed oral anticoagulant drugs 2, with warfarin being the most commonly used worldwide. Currently there are four oral anticoagulants …show more content…

12-14 Where there is a risk of bleeding, such as patients with renal insufficiency and decreased creatinine clearance or the presence of other risk for impaired hemostasis, dabigatran may need to be discontinued for at least 24 hours prior to treatment. 13 Additionally in patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min) rivaroxaban and apixaban plasma levels may be significantly increased,12,14 which may also necessitate discontinuation of the drug before surgery. 12,14 Liaising with the patient’s physician prior to treating patient on these anticoagulants would be

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