Formative Assessment: Formative Assessment And Feedback Into The Classroom

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Formative Assessment is used in any classroom to check students understanding of a topic. The type of formative assessment used in each classroom is different, depending on the teacher and the student’s needs. Teachers should incorporate a variety of formative assessments to truly see if students are learning. Dixson and Worrell describe formative assessment as gathering data to improve student learning. They are correct but teachers also need to provide students with feedback. Feedback gives students a better idea of what concepts they need to work on in class. There are many ways to integrate formative assessment and feedback into the classroom. Ms. Ladsten is the Family and Consumer Sciences teacher at Big Foot High School. She has Ms. Ladsten started keeping a clipboard nearby during her classes to take notes on what students needed to improve on and questions to ask students. She uses the clipboard during foods lab when each group has a different recipe. Ms. Ladsten would read the students recipes the night before and create four questions for the four lab members. These would be written on the clip board and the teacher would record the students’ answers. Ms. Ladsten also has TA’s that assist her with labs. The TA’s are responsible for walking around and watching the labs to make sure they were following proper procedures. The teacher and the TA’s both record notes on the clipboard if any groups were struggling with their lab. If Ms. Ladsten was working with another lab group the TA’s were able to see what groups still needed to be asked their questions. The clip board was a way for the TA’s and the teacher to communicate about what was happening in lab. Using the clip board in lab based classes is a great way to keep a record of formative One tool Ms. Ladsten created is high low high where students are writing information down and turning it in to the teacher. The first high is a question about the content they are learning. The low is what the student is still struggling with or what they need more work on. The last high is something that is going well in their life. Using high low high checks students’ knowledge about the main objective that is being covered. In the article Formative Assessment at Work in the Classroom the author states the importance of being precise in describing what we want students to understand (Baron 51). It is a formative assessment which gives students a chance to share with the teacher what they need help with. This also informs teachers what information they need to go over again. And lastly an important part of teaching is building a relationship with students and creating a positive environment for students to learn in. High low high is a formative assessment that gives the teacher a lot of information in a short amount of

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