Forgive Me Leonard Peacock Analysis

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For my independent novel project, I chose the book Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick because the concept was interesting to me. I was intrigued by the unique perspective the book is told in. I thought it would be psychologically riveting to hear a story through a suicidal and murderous teenager’s mind. The intensity of the topic didn’t bother me because I knew this book would be hard to put down and a quick read. Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock is a first-person narrative through the eyes of Leonard, a distressed 18 year-old who plots to murder his former best friend. It covers the events of Leonard’s 18th birthday in which he gives gifts to the important people in his life before he carries out his cynical plan. As he talks to one …show more content…

Asher was a bully who hurt Leonard in ways that could never be forgiven, causing Leonard to consider suicide. Due to the torture he was put through, Leonard decides to commit suicide and avenge his bully. This led me to create my GRQ about the effects of bullying on teenagers and how it can ultimately lead to violence, even suicide. Once in 6th grade while researching a project about bullying, I came across a new word: “bullycide”, which is when someone commits suicide due to bullying. It was a maudlin topic, but it also was interesting to learn about the idea from the viewpoints of the bully and the victim. During my research, I’m expecting to find some psychological effects on self-esteem and how bullying can corrupt self-esteem. Also, I know I will find many real-life examples of these tragedies such as Columbine and some survivor stories in which victims of bullying explain why they felt compelled to consider suicide. I predict my research will show how bullying affects both the victim and the bully because in many cases, they both are struggling with mental or emotional

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