For A Deaf Son Sparknotes

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For A Deaf Son was produced by Rob Tranchin. The film is about his son Thomas Tranchin and Thomas’s early life. Thomas is deaf child, who is born into a hearing family. When he was born, he was just like every toddle. However, his mother realized something was wrong with him when he turned one year old and a lady told her that Thomas is deaf. She was extremely shock and I think that is just a normal feeling which everyone would have if they are in the same situation. Then, his parents tried to find the best way for him.
His parents get Thomas a cochlear implant and try to teach him some basic words like truck, car, dinosaur, etc. It really works in the words but not in the sentences. Thomas could not tell his feeling or what he wants. Therefore, he is easy to get temper. However, a professional tells his parents that a cochlear implant would not work for him because Thomas had residual hearing in the higher frequencies. …show more content…

Two years later, Thomas could recognize some speech sounds and words, but his speech was “gibberish”. After Rob visited many school for deaf people, he tried to convince his wife to take ASL class and accept that no way for Thomas can act as hearing person. At first, she called “a serious drawback” because she was afraid that she does not know who her son is, but later, she has to accept it. They took ASL class and they hire an interpreter to help Thomas. Of course, that works really well and Thomas can express his feeling and they can use sign language to tell him stories. After all, his mom still has mixed feeling for ASL However, at the end of the film, they have not decided the school for him

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