Food Waste Essay

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It Takes a Village In 2025, Waco will have to find a new piece of land to create a new landfill as the current one that we have will be full. One of the biggest contributing items of landfills is food waste. Food waste is food that is still edible, but is discarded for any reason, (Buzby, Wells, Hyman 1) which we are all guilty of doing. The effects of food waste are not only hurtful to our wallets but to our environment as well. However, most food waste can be prevented and I have an idea of how to do so. The United States Department of Agriculture used the Economic Research Service, or ERS, in 2010 to calculate how much food waste was occurring on retailer and consumer levels. The ERS found that a total of 133 pounds, or 31 percent of the …show more content…

As stated above, retailers are responsible for contributing 10 percent of food waste in the United States. Retailers routinely order large quantities of food that they believe will be in demand by customers. However, majority of the time, a large portion of the food that they buy go unsold which results in more product than they need or have room for. Food items that are aesthetically unappealing, such as a severely bruised banana or a dented can of green beans, will go ignored by consumers who leave them behind on store shelves. Stores normally have no choice but to either discount these “damaged” goods in order to gain customer attention or throw them out. Most of the retail stores in the U.S. sale some type of premade foods or have a deli in their stores. These perishable food items typically have a short life span and begin to go bad in few hours, days or weeks. After these item’s shelf life expires, they are usually discounted and eventually thrown out if they are not purchased. “Expiration” or “Best-by” dates are by far one of the biggest culprits of food waste in retail stores. Consumers often confuse “expiration” or “best-by” dates with how long an item is good for. In reality, these dates do not represent much of anything. “People believe expiration dates are related to safety. But the dates are not defined by law—they’re a manufacturer’s …show more content…

Donating food that is still healthy enough to safely be consumed by humans seems like a highly successful way of diverting potential food waste from landfills. In fact, there are many businesses around Waco who already donate some of their unsellable goods to those in need. Walmart, Target, and Sam’s Club, are some of the few businesses that partner with the organization, Feeding America, in order to give food that would normally go to the landfill to those in need. (Food and Fund Partners) Feeding America takes the food that the stores would normally throw away and stores them so that those who need it are able to come and pick up the food. The food banks then provide the food to those who need it. (Our History) This process is good and works to help a better cause but there is still a tremendous amount of food leftover ever after

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