Food Psychology Essay

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By 2015, the World Health Organization foresees that there will be 2.3 billion people overweight and 700 million people will be obese.1 In food psychology, psychologists are studying the mental process for why and we eat certain foods. To us, we may think of the food that we eat from a biological perspective. However, researchers are learning that the decisions we make on our eating habits are based on our perception of food and other social and environmental stimuli that surround us. The primary purpose of this paper is to examine what influences our choices on the foods that we eat.

The food we consume not only gives energy for our body but also affects how we feel. We eat food to make us feel good. Each food we consume tastes, feels, and smells different. However, when we start to consume too much or too little food then it can be harmful to our health and body. The key to having a healthy life is following a healthy eating pattern and finding ways to improve our eating behavior. The psychological part is to develop a thinking pattern that will help maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Food psychology can be beneficial to everybody, but mainly it is useful for people that are having weight or eating problems. People having problems losing weight tend to eat too much food or have a poor eating habit. Eating problems may occur when a person is not eating enough food to provide energy for their body. However, many people make food choices based on the advertisements, opinions from family and friends, or personal interests.

Main Findings
Food advertising is a major influence for what foods we eat. We see food advertisements in magazines, television commercials, on billboard...

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... individuals to eat certain foods. Nevertheless, many parents educate their children on the importance of healthy eating, but in the end the individual themselves is making the final decision.
Gradually obesity, overweight, and other chronic health problems are starting to become more apparent in more individuals. Most studies have shown that individuals that are eating poorly don’t have the proper knowledge on how to eat a balanced meal. Being surrounded by so many options can overwhelm a person which can lead them to making the poor choice. In food psychology, understanding why certain people make certain food choices has made food psychologist realize that many individuals lack the knowledge of nutrition. By educating individuals on how to make better food choices and guiding them in the right direction it is possible for them to have a healthy life.

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