Food Insecurity In America Essay

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In the United States of America, we would like to believe that every U.S. citizen has access to nutritious foods. This is not true. Despite America is being the world’s wealthiest nation, poverty is forcing many Americans to hunger, and many families struggle to put food on the table. Our modern food system makes it increasingly difficult for those with low incomes to obtain adequate nutrition, even with having access to adequate amounts of food. A critical component to a healthy life is nutrition. Many people are going hungry each day despite a huge surplus of food production, while many suffer from obesity. There is the obvious sort of hunger resulting from an empty stomach, and then there is also the other hunger of micro-nutrient deficiencies which make people susceptible to infectious diseases, impair physical and mental development, reduce their labor productivity and increase the risk of premature death. One can be obese and still suffer from a lack of nutrition, related to food insecurity and hunger. Food insecurity refers to the food’s availability and an …show more content…

Healthy alternatives can be found at a low cost, but not always available in certain areas. Supermarkets and super centers provide the most reliable access to nutritious and affordable produce, and their presence is an important indicator of a community's physical health and economic vitality. Bringing grocery stores to low-income areas creates a healthier food environment that supports making healthier choices. Having easy access to grocery stores or other food markets that sell fruits, vegetables, produce, and other staples at affordable prices is necessary to obtain food security. Yet, not all areas have access to these markets and centers. Even as progress is being made to improve access in urban neighborhoods and rural communities, millions of obese Americans are still struggling to put healthy food on the

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