Food And Eating In Western Culture

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Food and eating practices are so diverse across different cultures, that often some are perceived as being maladaptive or pathological. Many animals, including humans, have been known to practice geophagy. It is more common for homo sapiens to consume dirt or dirt particles unintentionally, rather than consciously eating it. This is because according to western biomedicine, it is not socially acceptable, and has therefore the act of intentionally eating dirt is pathological. When comparing the average nutritional value of a North American diet, to the nutrients in dirt, process foods do not compare to the nutritional value found in dirt (Callahan, 2003). Many parts of the world use dirt as flavoring in their food, for nutrition, and use it …show more content…

The main reason dirt eating is considered maladaptive or pathological is north Americans believe humans should eat only food items. The difficulty is defining what food is from one culture to another. Just as dirt eating may be seen as pica, there are many eating habits in Western society that may also be considered maladaptive of pathological.

Food in western society has become so over processed that it should be considered to be maladaptive. In order for homo sapiens to grow and be healthy, there needs to be vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that bodies need to survive. Western societies expect food to taste delicious and anything …show more content…

There is a study where rats were given various amounts of sugar sweetened beverages, and then tested their cognitive ability. The results were found that there was cognitive dysfunction along with addictive behaviours. Some of the cognitive dysfunctions included the lack of spatial learning as well as memory loss (Kendig 2014). This is one of many different studies done on how sugar levels affect our behaviour. This study was inspired by the change in behaviour of children who consume large amount of sugars. Even though it was only rats that were tested, it can be hypothesised that similar results will be found in humans (Kendig, 2014). The consumption of sugar filled food is maladaptive for the purpose that there is a loss of cognitive ability. It also creates a downward spiral since the sugar consumption becomes addictive, and there for the cognitive function can never be restored to normal without the withdrawal of the sugar. Dirt however has no addictive properties, and can act as a supplement for vitamins and minerals (Callahan, 2003). In fact pregnant woman often use it to sooth upset stomach, and receive supplements such as calcium, which is important during the third trimester when the fetus’s bones are beginning to

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