Followed My Star Essay

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Followed My Star is a non-fictional novel written by AR Annahita. a novel that explores the author's philosophy on what will bring world peace. This novel is the third installment in the Followed My Star series. Readers ca read this novel without reading the prior two. AR Annahita is an Iranian immigrant who now resides in America. She works as a photography, writer and philosopher. Annahita offers a fresh perspective on American and global lifestyles and policies. The message throughout the book is a call to change the world, one person at a time. I love that the author was brave enough to write about a controversial subject. It can be a challenge to stand out and do the right thing. I agree with Annahita that they would would be a better place if we all learn to give a helping hand. That we should learn how to help the needy be custodians of change. The author elaborates about racism and the use of religion to do both wrong and gain power. Followed My Star talks about a range of issues both and small. These issues range from global policy issues to individual happiness. The author includes topics such as …show more content…

I did find a statement on page 33 that I found to be a little contradicting. "Being with someone who is like you wouldn't bring any growth into your life." This sounded contradicting because the author also campaigns about us all being equal. I may be overthinking this but if I am equal with everyone else, wouldn't that mean that I'm with someone equal? This is simply my personal opinion. There will be some readers who may disagree with the author's viewpoints. Annahita criticizes parts of the American Republican party as well as certain religions. The novel may not appeal to Christian and Muslim readers. This is due to dome of the radical arguments Annahita makes about these two religions. I would recommend this novel to activists, bloggers and readers who are champions of

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