Focus Student Accuracy

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Focus student number one was able to achieve a higher accuracy on this learning goal than the previous time. The student was lacking confidence on wanting to recall information. I reminded the student that it was okay to guess and that it was just us in the room. He didn’t have to be afraid to be wrong, and that any attempt was a good attempt. The student was able to make appropriate guesses, and was encouraged to advocate for himself if he didn’t hear the target. The student was allowed repetition of the question, and seemed to do better if the question was repeated twice. When I allowed appropriate wait time for the student to process, he was able to self correct. For example, if the student said, “pant/shoe,” he was able to use his auditory feedback loop and determine that was not what I said and that he was leaving off a plural /s/. …show more content…

Focus student number two was able to achieve a higher accuracy on her learning gal that the previous time as well. The student tends to be an impulse guesses, and says the first thing that comes to mind. A study conducted by Groen, Alku, and Bishop, provided some evidence towards processing and children with Down syndrome. (2008) The study suggested that children showed a greater impairment, than children without Down syndrome. This lead me to give focus student number two plenty of wait time and language prompts to wait until I was finished giving the target. The student was unable to use her auditory feedback loop as guidance, so I would repeat what the student said instead to allow her to make self-corrections from my speech. The student was able to make some self-corrections, but overall is not at a cognitive level to fully understand her

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