Fly Whisk Jaws Analysis

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Both artworks `Fly whisk with leopard holding an antelope in jaws and the Helmet Mask (sowei)’ were created in direct responds to the African heritage. They both signifies respect which are used differently to both genders. The `fly whisk with leopard holding an antelope in jaws’ commands respect to the male gender, while the `Helmet Mask’ is an African masquerade wore by only women. The artist of the `Fly whisk with leopard holding an antelope in jaws’ is an Akan artist, which is a tribe in Ghana or cote d’lvoire in the late 20th century. The piece was later collected by DR. Martha Ehrlich. In the piece I saw a shiny bold metal curved into a handle. The whisk is made of horse tail and it is dark in color. A leopard made of gold is sitting

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