Florence Nightingale Is A Hero

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A hero is a person that goes out of their normal routine just to help someone out that they don’t even know. They touch one or many peoples lives and really care for them. They sometimes take risks for other people. A hero is someone that is known by many people for their courage and braveness to help out. Florence Nightingale should be known for her kindness for people and hospitals in need. She helped many others even as she was lying in bed ill.
As a child Florence always had so much care and sympathy for others. That was one thing that she loved about herself. That is why by age twenty-four she decided to become a nurse. Her family did not imagine her pursuing that career, they were very against women taking action (UXL Biographies). She was so angry with her family, it was her dream to be a nurse and help many people in need. In December 1845 she wrote, “God has something for me to do for him or he would have let me die some time ago…. oh for some great thing to sweep this loathsome life into the past” (Discovering Biography). Florence did not just want to be a women with nothing to do but leisure activities. What she really wanted to do was be a nurse and make a huge difference in many hospitals in ways that nobody has done before (Nursing).
In 1848 Florence met a man that made a huge difference in her life and dream of being a nurse. His name was Sidney Herbert, he thought that she should maybe pursue a different career as a teacher or if it hadn't required training. She had no interest in that because she had already set her mind on being a nurse and was not going to change it. Richard Monckton Milnes proposed to her in 1849. She refused because her future plans were more important to her and she didn't want to just aban...

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...s death rate had fallen by over half since the Crimean war. She was extremely devastated that all her hard work was going to waste and there was nothing big that she could do (UXL Biographies). In 1858 Florence was recognized as the leading expert on military/civilian sanitation in India (Famsworth). Florence was also the first women to be offered the order of merit award (Discovery Biographies). Florence was really a great person and will be known as the founder modern history (UXL Biographies).
Florence Nightingale was a really kind person to everyone. She helped out many peoples lives and hospitals too. She cleaned up many army hospitals that were in need of some help. Florence even went against her family’s wishes just because it was her dream to help people out, it was something she loved to do. That is what I think a true hero is. What do you think a hero is?

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