Flight 19 Conspiracy Theory

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Flight 19 is the most famous aircraft disappearance that is linked to the Bermuda Triangle. An abundance of books, articles, journals, and blogs are solely dedicated to the mystery of Flight 19 in the Bermuda Triangle although many of them have strong contradicting positions. The mysterious disappearance of Flight 19 is one of the most controversial and talked about topic because the case has never truly been solved due to the lack of evidence. That same lack of evidence led many researchers, authors, and reporters to look into the case themselves forming theories and myths throughout the process. The case of the disappearance of Flight 19 has never truly been solved or closed mainly due to the fact that an abundance of information is still …show more content…

“The final resting place of the men and their aircraft remains a matter of ongoing speculation, and chances grow slimmer that anyone will ever find them in the nearly infinite expanse of the mighty Atlantic Ocean” which explains how the inability of recovering the remains from Flight 19 have led researchers to take a different approach at researching the disappearance of Flight 19 rather than using only science and rationality to justify the disappearance (Ruffin 242). “Flight 19 is indeed a great mystery, one which has given rise to superstitions of inexplicable magnetic or extraterrestrial forces” which is the main reason for the growth in the possibilities of paranormal phenomena being at fault for the disappearance of Flight 19 (Donnelly). Science cannot always hold the answer to all the mysteries and problems that go on around the world and the case of Flight 19 is a perfect example. Paranormal phenomena is not accepted or even believed to be true by a majority of society but eye witnesses and sightings prove that it could possibly be the key to many of the world’s mysteries such as the disappearance of Flight …show more content…

The disappearance of flight 19 has been claimed to be caused by rational causes as well as paranormal phenomena but there are also researchers who claim that not enough information is known in order to make a definite conclusion. The wide variety of sources researched throughout this project have led to the conclusion that the disappearance of Flight 19 is truly a mystery after all due to the fact that there was never any remains of the five planes and of the fourteen pilots ever found. There are some parts/anomalies that could be explained by science but overall there is more information missing or unknown than there is known only leading me to the conclusion that the disappearance of Flight 19 was caused by something paranormal. A majority of society might not agree on this conclusion but the answer is clear after truly and deeply researching the disappearance of Flight 19. Science does not hold the answer to everything as it has been emphasized through the research found, so what should people believe in and turn to when situations such as the disappearance of Flight 19 arise? There are many possibilities and potential answers to some of the world’s greatest and oldest mysteries but people have to open their minds and realize that we live in a planet that is located in one solar system and there is still a whole universe out there so yes, humans do not know everything

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