Fixed Mindset

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Growth and Fixed Mindset is one of the most basic beliefs we have about ourselves. It has to do with how we view and live with what we consider to be our personality. A “fixed mindset” assumes that our character, intelligence, and our creative ability are lacks movement which we can’t change in any way. Success in their minds is an affirmation of that intelligence. Wanting success but avoiding failure becomes a way of maintaining the sense of being smart or skilled. A “growth mindset” on the other hand, survives on challenges and sees them as an opportunity. They see failure as not as evidence of being unintelligent, but as a way for growth and for developing or upgrading our abilities. Between these two mindsets, which we choose to become from an early age will show a great deal of behavior when it comes to our relationship with failure and success in both professional and personal context, and ultimately our amount of happiness.
The consequences for believing that intelligence can be changed are remarkable. The mindset that you choose will determine greatly determines the life that you will lead. It might determine whether you accomplish the things of which you value. Believing that your …show more content…

It believes what your handed to deal and live with is not that simple. In this mindset, the hand you’re dealt is just the starting point for development. The growth mindset is based on the belief that your qualities are things you can change through the amount of effort you put in. Although people differ in talents, interests, or nature, everyone can change. Do people with this mindset believe that anyone can be anything? No, but they believe that a person’s potential is unknowable. At the center of what makes the growth mindset so appealing, is that it creates a wanting for learning rather than approval of your comrades. Not only are people with this mindset not discouraged by failure, they don’t actually see themselves as failing in the same

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