Fixed Agriculture Advantages

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Question 2: What were the chief advantages of fixed agriculture, and how did fixed agriculture contribute to the rise of more complex civilizations?

When hunting and gathering was no longer a plausible method to supply food, due to the decline of large game, a controlled fixed agriculture was formed. Fixed agriculture supplied "development of food surpluses and consequently large increases in population" (pg. 5); however, the newly-found agriculture did not just provide food, it was a stepping stone to complex civilizations across the world. The Archaic Era Indians took the first step of agriculture by simply weeding out the inedible plants around the plants they ate, and now it has reaped the benefits of nowadays societies; modern Mexico was where the first tools were used in agriculture and the creation of fixed agriculture. When more food was created, children and adults could have a higher rate in surviving with less likelihood of dying from starvation, with plenty of food on the table, populations boomed, but as they started trying to come up with better ideas for farming, the mesoamericans thought of other innovating ideas to further more luxurious life style. By discovering farming, it also brought great minds to rely less on hunting and be less busy to work on …show more content…

Jamestown was on the brink of surviving, but John Rolfe rescued the colony by serving it a dishful surprise, tobacco. Tobacco was a cash crop and highly craved in England; Jamestown was finally able to boom with profits and rise from

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