Five Principal Beliefs

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Christianity has several principal beliefs, key ideas that adherents hold as truth which are interdependent and correlate that teach believers how to be good Christians. By following the principal beliefs set out in the sacred texts and core ethical teachings, Christians are to become “servants of God” like Pope Francis said in his 2015 Lenten message: Make your hearts firm: “Christians are those who let God clothe them with goodness and mercy, with Christ, so as to become, like Christ servants of God and others”. Of the five principal beliefs, three will be focused on: Jesus’s death and resurrection, the ideas of salvation and revelation and the implication they have on the lives of Christian adherents as “servants of God”.

Jesus’ death …show more content…

It is the transmission of knowledge from divine to humanity, given by God to humans and an invitation into communion with God. Revelation is a call to action, of belief and faith. Jesus Christ is the true revelation, he is the revealed Lord. In Christianity, God’s revelation is focused on Jesus Christ, whereas with eastern denominations, God’s revelation is focused on the Holy Spirit. The fullness of God’s self-revelation is seen in Jesus’s incarnation and it is in Jesus that humans see God in human form that is relatable, understandable and can be followed which is how Christians let “God clothe them in goodness and mercy”. In the Old Testament, revelation is seen through God’s spoken promise to Abraham in Genesis 18:1-33. In the New Testament, revelation is expressed through Jesus, at his baptism, God the Father’s voice is heard “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Christians believe that God has chosen to reveal himself to us through the Holy Spirit, Bible, the Church’s teachings, the sacraments, creation and other people. God places revelation into two categories, messages of Wisdom and messages of Knowledge. This is important to Christians because through Jesus’s revelation, they are empowered to do the works of Christ making the world more meaningful and productive as “servants of God”. They are provided with information, insight, direction and understanding about a message through direct communication, communication from God or Jesus via the Holy Spirit, a demon or others who have received

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