Fitness Persuasive Speech

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I want to discuss my own experience by suggesting what NOT to do!

1. It's fitness not your gear
Three sports, each with its own array of the latest and greater expensive equipment. Glossy publications full of ads attempting to sell you the hottest carbon aero widget or product. For reasons unknown, triathlon features a culture of shopping for speed as opposed to learning how to prepare and race more properly. The big point is, it's about the engine (YOU), not the $$$ parts hanging off of your bike. Invest in yourself, your multi sport training as well as your fitness early on; Save the $$$ products for later.

2. Thinking the Swim is an Exercise in Fitness
Why does that 13 year old girl in the fast lane swimming laps around you?! Simply because she's been swimming 1 to 2 hours per day, 5-6 times each week since she was six. She's got the technique;you do not. …show more content…

Rather than just banging on the instrument for an hour or so a day, without any idea what you're learning, pay for top quality swim technique coaching to take full advantage of your time in the water.

3: Not Getting Fast on the Bike
In my experience the bike is a very low risk activity: making the assumption that your bike fits you, and you also don't wreck, you're simply not going to hurt yourself by cycling too hard. You don't have to wait to get started on getting quicker on the bike.

If you wish to ride faster you need to train faster and the time to begin is as soon as you jump on that bike. Work as hard that you can for as long as you can, then simply recover and do it

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