Fisher King Movie Analysis

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Introduction The film The Fisher King, is about two men whose lives have crossed paths due to unforeseen circumstances. Jack Lucas, a radio talk show host, is first portrayed in the movie as a narcissistic, cynical, and arrogant man who inadvertently prompts a depressed caller, Edwin, to commit murder by stating “it must be stopped, it’s us or them.” (Gillmian, 1991). Jack also explains to Edwin that the people who go to Babbitt’s Bar are “not human” and that the patrons are “evil”. (Gillmian, 1991) After the conversation on the air, Edwin goes into the nightclub and opens fire on the “yuppie inbreeds” (Gillmian, 1991) as Jack also called the club goers. Edwin ends the rampage by taking the shotgun and ending his own life with a shot to the head. Three years later, Jack is now a depressed man who is an alcoholic and suicidal. Before Jack is able to commit suicide, two boys mistake Jack as a homeless man. The neighborhood delinquents attack Jack with a bat and try to set him on fire. Parry, comes to the rescue and stops the thugs from setting Jack on fire. After the attack Parry takes Jack to his home, a boiler room, and waits for Jack to wake up. When Jack wakes up from his drunken night he is instantly frightened by who and what he sees. Jack does …show more content…

Parry was at the fifth stage, self-actualization. Parry had love, a great job teaching, personal growth and beauty. Parry lost himself at the bottom and was struggling to move on to the next step until he meet Jack. It was not an easy climb for Parry. Parry would move a step forward and the Red Knight would come and push him all the way back down to the bottom, until the day that Jack, Lydia, Parry’s new love, and Parry’s friend all help him reach belonging and love needs. In the movie, Parry never reaches the top of the pyramid, but one can tell that he is happy and satisfied with the way his life has

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