First World War The League of Nations

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With the conclusion of the First World War the League of Nations was founded in the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. It was the first intergovernmental organization that would keep peace and settle world disputes. United States President Woodrow Wilson was horrified by the crimes committed by “civilized” nations and set idealistic goals for peace in his “Fourteen Points Address” (which included the League). President Wilson was willing to bargain with hostile Great Britain and France to ensure that the League would be created, resulting in the War Guilt Clause (Germany would take blame for the War and would pay a debt of thirty-three billion dollars). Ironically, the United States would vote against entering into the league. In the United States the league was met with fierce opposition from those who thought it unwise to enter America into a collective organization, which would restrict its power and influence. Congress especially concerned with Article X, which morally bound the U.S. to aid any member of the League of Nations that was victimized by aggression, and revoke...

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