Firefighting Research Papers

698 Words2 Pages

Ethan larson
Research paper

What goes through your mind when you hear sirens and see a car with flashing lights fly past you? Let's begin with the how it all started. Becoming a firefighter has been a lifelong dream of mine. I will start at the beginning from the firefighters to the technologies the fireman use today. Firefighting has changed in so many different ways of the past 100 years. From fireman using buckets of water to major trucks with ladders and all the fireproof technologies we use on a day to day basis. A roman empire Augustus is created for instituting a corps of firefighting. He helped install the act of checking and preventing fires. The fire that took down London in 1666 caused the country to make fire brigades that was formed by insurance companies. The European …show more content…

They took 1 bucket and had a filling station and had a line of fireman that handed the bucket to the person next to them to then give it to the last man to dump on the fire, this step was repeated over and over until the fire was resolved (“Fire”). This method was used until they invented the hose in 1672, this hose was made up of hand-stitched leather. This made fighting the fires safer for the fireman and it made the job faster. This fire hose was a major breakthrough in technology at the time.
The first fire engines, which appeared in the 17th century, were very simple, they consisted of tubes on runners, long poles, or wheels. Most fire fighting consist of applying water to the burning material. Cooling it to the point at which combustion is no longer possible (“fighting”). A fireman's job is to make the building that is on fire be not on fire and extinguish the fire. The engines were used at every fire and they were one of the most useful tools they had at the time. Back in the 17th century technology was not advanced enough to get the job done but now we have many options and tools to help

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