Fire Rescue Five: A Short Story

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It was a normal day for Marcus Ellis, Milena Ellis and their dog Max. Marcus was a normal guy, he worked for a firefighter team called Fire Rescue Five. Max worked with Marcus on Fire Rescue Five. Milena was a secretary for Michael and Chad Law firm. At eight o'clock Marcus and Max set off for work. When Marcus and Max finally arrived at the firehouse, Marcus drank some coffee and Max chewed on his bone, as usual. At nine Milena got in her car and drove to work. When Milena sat down at her desk, she was bombarded with calls and paperwork. Marcus just finished his coffee when they got a call from the 911 dispatcher, Marcus knew something was up. After Lesion, Marcus's friend that also worked for Fire Rescue Five, put down the phone. Marcus asked, "Ok, so where are we going?" Lesion answered, "Michael and Chad Law firm." …show more content…

Once he got to the fourth floor, he saw a man that had a few minor cuts but that was it. Marcus grabbed him and carried him outside and sat him down to look for more survivors. As Marcus looked for more survivors, he saw no more. So, he went outside to check on Milena and the man. The man only had minor cuts and would be just fine. As for Milena she had broken her left leg and fractured her hip. The nurse in the ambulance advised, "Your wife should make a full recovery if she stays in the hospital for a week or two." On their way off the scene they heard a loud crash. They looked back and the building just fell. Thankfully there was nobody inside or outside the building. In conclusion, Melia made a full recovery and is now working for the same company but in a different building. As for the man he got a job with Melia and is now her assistant. Marcus is still a firefighter. Max has been promoted to the fire house dog. Marcus got Max thirty bones for being promoted. In the end nobody was hurt severely and everybody was

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