Finding Meaning In The Monkey's Paw By W. Jacobs

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Finding a monkey's paw that grants wishes is always surprising. W.W. Jacobs wrote horror, short story, “The Monkey’s Paw”. Overall, it focuses on a house in Lakesnam Villa, where the White couple is given a monkey's paw to grant their wishes. However, the wishes do not go well, forcing Mr. White to wish for his son to die. The author W.W. Jacob uses characterization and setting to suggest that the Whites’ misfortune is not because of the magic of the monkey’s paw, but due to coincidence and their over-active imagination. Jacobs uses the characterization of Sergeant-Major Morris, Mrs. White, and Mr. White to suggest that it is all in their head. For example, when Sergeant-Major Morris converses with the Whites about the hand, it is important …show more content…

Jacobs uses setting to further suggest that the events that Mr. and Mrs. White are experiencing are not actually happening. For instance, it can be assumed that the location of the house, where the story takes place, is an isolated area because, in the beginning, Mr. White says, “‘I suppose because only two houses on the road are let’”(2). This implies that being partially isolated might make the White couple imagine that the events happen, due to the lack of human interaction. This is because when humans do not get enough social interactions their mind can make up what they wish. In addition, at this time the wind is harsher than usual. The first line said by Mr. White is, “‘Hark at the wind’”(1). Throughout the wind is mentioned like if they have not seen this in a long time or at all. In the end of the story, Mr. White opens the door to see if Herbert was the one causing the knocking sounds, but instead “A cold wind rushed up the staircase”(20). This suggests that the wind was generating the knocking sounds instead of Herbert. The house is also old and rickety; with a strong wind, any sounds could travel. The events that happen are in Mrs. and Mr. White’s imagination and their faith in the monkey’s

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