Finding A Joy In Overcoming Obstacles Analysis

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The Greatest Celebrities Failures “Everyone fails. Wwhat defines us is how well we rise up after falling,” Dr T.P.Chia. If we don't fail, we will never learn and if we don't learn, we will never change., Ssome of the greatest minds, athletes, writers, etc have learned this through failure. In the article “Are You a Loser”, “Invictus” and “Finding a Joy in Overcoming Obstacles.” We need to play and fail before we can win the game. You need to practice and keep pushing through the pain. No one likes to fail but if you don't fail then you're not learningtrying. Learning, kKnow that tomorrow you will succeed, and will power these are the effects that you will get from failure. We all fall sometimes, what matters is that you get up. One of the most important things in failure is learning. In the essay “Are You a Loser” on page 28 it says, “Many of the world’s most successful people were once losers who felt humiliated, lost, and hopeless until they eventually figured out how to move forward.” This is just one quote proving that you learn from failure. Also on page 1 in “Invictus” it says, “You will succeed if you persevere and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles” This proves that one of the most important things in these articles are failure is learning. Then my last quote on page 1 “Out of the …show more content…

So in “Are You a Loser” On page 28 I found a line in this article that states. “Thats the key to using failure to your advantage the ability to dust yourself off and try again, and again, and again.” This shows will power is important in failure. Then in “Finding Joy in Overcoming Obstacles” On page 1 it shows his willpower “Do not think of today's failures but success to come tomorrow.” They had to push through the pain why should we get to give up. Then in “Invictus” On page 1 “It matters not how strait the gate how charged with the punishments scroll.”Do you believe that this means that he has will power? I

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