Financial Literacy

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Most of the people move in a path which splits up when it comes to saving versus spending. We mostly feel overwhelmed when we meet what other people's expectation are, which may be having the most recent mark of clothes, shoes, telephones and other luxuries. The future is unpredictable. What if we save then die the next day? We think that is better to spend than to save in order to satisfy our current desires by forgetting that there is a future. We do not know what the future holds. When we are advised to stop or reduce spending, we tend to think of saving as a way of removing that fact of consumption, but instead, it teaches you to satisfy your daily needs and secure the future. This introduces the concept of financial literacy as the knowledge …show more content…

Now we hope to build a better future or a better tomorrow; our mission should be building the spirit of saving in the youth starting from those in primary to the one in secondary schools. This culture in young children is not only helpful in teaching them to save money, but also helps them to appreciate how to work, prevents them from bad habits as well as teaching them how to be self-reliant. If you are working to save, you are never discouraged because you have a goal and a vision for that money. You also have enough time to think about how to invest it instead of spending it. Another main reason why this should be encouraged in learners from a young age is that, back at home, some parents don’t practice it. Learning institutions should be an environment where students should be exposed to various lessons, including the savings culture since this the earlier stage where someone learns effective life …show more content…

This is done by guiding students and their teachers, step by step, to set up a fully-functioning school business that is both educational and profitable. When learners are encouraged to embrace the savings culture from an early age, it gives them an opportunity to learn financial discipline and investment. Which makes contradict with different saving stereotypes about the rich and old being the only ones who should save, but saving is practical for both young and old, rich and poor, high income earning and low-income earner or simply to people of different

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