Final Synthesis Essay

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While the thought of being able to inhabit Earth forever is nice, the probability of that actually happening is low. As time goes on, the possibility of another mass-extinction only increases. It is only a matter of time before an event like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs repeats itself. There are multiple threats facing humanity, some which stem here on Earth, and some that come from other parts of the Universe. This means that humans need to put more effort and thought into the possibility of inhabiting another planet. This will be necessary in order to make sure the human race survives. There are many threats to the existence of humankind right here on Earth. There are many people and professionals in the scientific community who acknowledge this and urge for humans to find a new home before these threats become too imminent. “Hawking believes humans will eventually be doomed if they remain on Earth” (Article 1). There are issues that affect the Earth as a whole, such as global warming, which could kill off humans and a lot more other species. Hawking also warns about other potential threats, which people do not think about as much. For example, there is the possibility of artificial intelligence. While it may seem far fetched, it is a real threat, and Hawking points …show more content…

They have a point that the chances of anything happening are low at the moment. Even if something were to happen, humans may be advanced enough to be able to overcome it without leaving Earth. These claims are valid, and they make a good point, but there are simply too many threats to believe humans will inhabit Earth forever. The chances of something devastating occurring only increases over time, and there are probably many threats humans haven’t even thought about yet. It is easy to see why many people believe humans will live on Earth forever, but while it may not be soon, a disaster is bound to happen

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