Film Summary Depicted In Corpse Bride

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Victor (Johnny Depp) is forced to marry Victoria (Emily Watson) but he accidently marries Emily (Helena Bonham Carter) the Corpse Bride! Emily had made a curse that whoever said their vows right would marry Emily since she was killed by her fiancé. Victor and Emily go to the living world and they get married, but Emily refuses and leaves Victor with Victoria. Tim Burton’s characters, setting, and plot in Corpse Bride can be watched by all ages and is really exciting and interesting. Since the characters are animated it makes them unique. The way all the characters are animated makes them look real except they are all walking and talking cartoons. When the introduction was introduced, the butterfly that was shown looked real and animated, also the way Victor’s hands moved while painting the butterfly. Also when the characters were talking and singing, …show more content…

The scenes are sometimes unpredictable because they go back and forth from scene to scene. Like when Victor was tricking Emily to meet his parents, they went to the underworld to the living and then Emily and Victor went back to the underworld and scene played on. The scenes may change others opinions of what’s going to happen. Like when Victor was about to kill himself with the poison, Emily stopped him right after she saw Victoria. If Victoria wasn’t there Victor would’ve died. Ultimately, all elements if the film work unpredictably, but still maintains the audience’s attention. Burton uses an unordinary setting, like the living world is so dark and has no real color, but in the underworld it is all colorful but still dark. Also the characters are different, the living people look somewhat ordinary because they have the posture and the looks to be living, but the non-living characters are blue and green and unreal. But in all, in the film Corpse Bride, Tim Burton uses setting, plot, and characters, to set the theme of the story and makes it interesting to

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