Film Noir: Movie Analysis

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Film noir is a type of movie that contains dim lighting, crime, grimy city streets, voiceover narration, and Deadpool. Wait, Deadpool? Yes, that is correct. While the movie Deadpool (Miller, 2016) may be considered a science fiction movie, it also contains elements of film noir. Deadpool tells the story of how a man named Wade becomes Deadpool. Wade is a mercenary, who is paid to teach bad guys a lesson by killing them or otherwise. He meets a girl named Vanessa, who is a hooker/ escort. She then becomes his girlfriend and later on his fiancée. When Wade finds out that he has late-stage cancer, he receives a business card from a mysterious stranger who offers to help cure his cancer at an experimental facility. Wade leaves Vanessa to go to …show more content…

Deadpool is an antihero. He longs for justice but goes about getting it in in a manner that is not compatible with the conventional ways of a superhero. Before Wade becomes Deadpool, he makes his money by beating up and/ or killing people that hurt others. One of the people who benefit from his work calls him a hero. He says that is not the case. To describe his job, Wade says, “I’m just a guy who gets paid to fuck up worse guys.” Once he becomes Deadpool, Wade searches for Francis, asking people who are close to Francis where he is. Deadpool kills all of the people he asks. He is longing for justice for what Francis did to him, but most superheroes in these types of movies would not seek justice in this manner. Most of them would seek to bring the villain to justice with as little collateral damage as possible. Many of the protagonists in film noir are loners. Wade, when he discovers that he has cancer, decides to leave his fiancée, Vanessa. He is also invited by Colossus to join the X-Men after he becomes Deadpool, but refuses to do so. He thinks that he does not need them and is better off by himself. There is a scene in the movie where Colossus is trying to get Deadpool to become an X-Man. Colossus has handcuffs and cuffs himself in one cuff and cuffs Deadpool with the other cuff. Deadpool cuts off his own hand in order to get away. That shows extreme opposition to being a part of a …show more content…

The bar where Wade hangs out, Sister Margaret’s School for Wayward Girls, is dark and grimy, and the characters are shown going there at night. The lab where Wade goes for treatment is gloomy, dirty and appears to be underground. The duplex that Deadpool lives in is old, rundown, and appears to be in a rougher part of town. The movie takes place in an urban setting and a good portion of the movie takes place at night. Even in the daytime scenes, the scenery is dark in color, with gray buildings, black cars, and cloudy

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