Film Noir Compare And Contrast

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Film Noir and neo-noir are two famous movie categories that come stem from the early 1900s. While film noir was created in the 1900s, neo-noir is a more modern version of film noir. Each type of film can be seen in popular movies from the last century. An example of film noir is The Big Sleep, directed by Howard Hawks in 1946. The Dark Knight is an example of neo-noir. It was directed by Christopher Nolan in 2008. Both film noir and neo-noir are very similar, but do have some very large differences. Film Noir dates back to the 1940s right after World War I. The French were the first to come out with the movie category, after viewing a number of America’s movies. The French noticed that something was different about these movies than any of the movies America had made before. They were very dark and mysterious. In the book Fatalism in America: Film Noir, Robert Pippin describes film noir as being in grim urban settings, gloomy, and almost always about crime. He also says that they can have “almost unfollowable plots (Pippin 6).” Film noir is also often about fate, and gambling can often times be associated with it. Pippin states “That is one way of dealing with the perceived …show more content…

The film is set in a small urban city that is bustling with people. The town is full of criminals, which is a prime example of being a film noir. Film noirs almost always have some type of criminal or criminal act in them according to Robert Pippin, and this movie has many. The film also has a total of 6 different murders. These murders happen at different times throughout the movie but are all connected. The Big Sleep also has dark and obscured scenes in it. Film noirs are known for being dark, and this movie fits the description. Robert Pippin also discusses how gambling is usually a big deal in film noirs, and this movie’s plot has a lot to do with gambling. The movie The Big Sleep has many different elements of film noir in

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