Film Analysis Of The Movie 'Princess Mononoke'

872 Words2 Pages

Blake Logan
Ms. Fowler
Eng 1120
28 Apr 2014

Paper 4
Movies are a pastime that allows people to come together. They have the ability to create a silent bond among the viewers, while entertaining and informing them all at once. Movies are made to entertain and inform the movie watchers. Princess Mononoke is a movie that at the surface, seems to be a simple story that follows a young man in search for a cure for his disease given by an evil creature. Although it may seem simple, this movie has a complex underlying message that is relayed to the audience. Princess Mononoke presents the message of sustainability and conservation of the land that is given to the people.
The movie Princess Mononoke has a story line that explicitly states the journey of the young man traveling. It follows him from the time he is infected with the evil disease and his travel to find a cure. Ashitaka is the young man that is attacked by and evil spirit when he is trying to protect his village from it. The spirit gives him an evil curse that is going to take over his body and slowly kill him and turn him crazy. He seeks counsel from the elders in his village and finds out that there is no way to cure his disease that he is just going to have to endure the pain and torture. Ashitaka does not except his fate willingly and asks where this evil spirit came from and what made it so mad and crazy. He finds out what village it could have come from and he sets out to travel to that village. The movie follows him as he goes to the village and tries to figure out what kind of creature attacked him. He soon finds out that the village was an iron town and has been mining the land for quite some time. Little do Ashitaka and everyone know that this is caus...

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...en the forest spirits would be fine but they take advantage of the land they mine and it upsets the spirits. If the iron town would have just been grateful for the land and treated it with respect then the whole situation could have been avoided. Although this is not specifically stated in the movie this is what it is really trying to say. Taking care and managing the land with respect and care will keep the land we live on healthy. Princess Mononoke is trying to get this point across in a non attacking way by just creating a story line about a young man traveling to find out how he can stop a disease from killing him. This can distract the movie watcher from the real point of creating and producing this movie. Princess Mononoke creates the illusion of just a normal journey with a young man but alludes to the subject of sustainability and land management.

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