Film Analysis Of The Film 'Ruby Sparks'

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Released in 2012, Ruby Sparks is romantic comedy directed by the award winning directors, Jonathan Daytona & Valerie Faris. After the success of Little Miss Sunshine, the two never did any film for 6 years until actress/writer of the story, Zoe Kazan, approached them. The film went on to get nominated in several awards across Europe. The story tells a fantastical tale of love between a novelist and his imaginary story character who comes to live.

I chose this film over many other similar romantic – comedies simply because it is relatable. I’m sure this film relates to many people who’s been in a romantic relationship. The film has an outrageous premise about a writer literally writing his dream girl to life. Presented in a fantastical way, I feel Ruby Sparks is a perfect metaphor to realistic courtship. Also being a fan of Little Miss Sunshine, I couldn’t give this one a miss. …show more content…

To me, Ruby Sparks delivered the message well by putting things into literal perspective. Not just about love, I think the film has an over-arcing theme of ‘Happiness’. Perhaps we have all been fooled into believing that perfection exists. What defines happiness? Love? Perfection? So often than not, we are being fed the lies and deceits of thinking happiness is achieving everything we want; whatever that makes us happy. We do not realise that, that so called happiness do not last. Perfection do not exist. There is no perfect person in this world to please nobody, people are infinitely mysterious, it’s all about how you deal with the imperfections and embrace them. What seperates humans from animals, is that we have the ability to make a choice - the choice to anger, sorrow or happiness. People make the choice to stay with someone, the choice to love who they really are and not some idea of them. When people say they love someone, what do they really mean? Perhaps this is the real question people in ‘love’ should

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