Film Analysis Of Editing In 'My Fair Lady'

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Cinematography Harry Stradling was the cinematographer for “My Fair Lady”. The movie uses different lighting techniques to make things look more natural outside on the streets and at the horse race. They also use a multitude of fairly basic shots, because there's nothing to complex going on that involves crazy angle shots. An example of a bad shot was when the bartenders and common folk through Alfie and his friend on the street. The shot was to far way and so the angry wasn't really shown. An example of a good shot is when Pickering, Eliza, and Mr. Higgins sang the song “The Rain in Spain”. It got all of their exciting emotion with different angles of them dancing and singing. Editing William Ziegler was the film editor. The editing of “My Fair Lady” was relatively good. The outside lighting helped create the illusion that the horse race was in side, and the lighting when Eliza ran away helped make it look natural but light enough for the cameras to shoot. The only bad editing that i saw was how in some song the singers words did not match their mouths. A prime example of this is when Alfie Doolittle sings the song “Get me to the Church on Time” and his mouth did not match up with his singing in multiple parts as talked about above as well. Other than that the editing really helped make the musical appear more realistic and entertaining to watch. …show more content…

The sound effects included in the musical where rain, horse running and then wing. The rain took place at the begging, and it looked very realistic. The horses were very faint and not fully shown but the parts that were shown where not quite realistic. There were not many special effects but all in all the ones that were used where pretty

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